Tiered Link-Building – Everything You Must Know

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Tiered Link-Building – Everything You Must Know

Tired Link Building

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Backlinks are the backbone of Off-page SEO and a website cannot survive without high-quality backlinks.

Why choose the Tiered method of building links? Because here you can create links in layers, eliminating the repetitiveness.

Moreover, you build links directing to the host site and then again build links for their site too.

Bit complicated? In simple terms, with tiered backlinks, you can build a backlink profile pointing to your website.

Explore our well-researched write-up & determine how effective & powerful the tiered technique can be in increasing the traffic & authority of your website. 

What Is Tiered Link Building?

Tiered Link Building

Image source: serpzilla.com

Tiered link building is an off-page SEO strategy that involves creating multiple layers of backlinks to a website to enhance its authority and search engine rankings. 

  • First Tier: These are high-quality, authoritative backlinks that point directly to the target website. They come from reputable sources such as guest posts, editorial links, or high-authority web directories
  • Second Tier: The aim is to strengthen the authority of the first-tier links, making them more valuable. This can include web 2.0 assets, social bookmarks, and other moderately authoritative sites.
  • Third Tier and Beyond: They typically come from low to medium-quality sources such as article directories, forum profiles, and blog comments.

Why Tiered Link Building is Effective?

Tiered link building is effective for several reasons:

  • Link Juice Distribution: It maximizes the flow of link equity (link juice) from reputable sites to your target site through multiple layers.
  • Improved Rankings: Enhancing the authority and trust of intermediary links helps improve the search engine rankings of your target site.
  • Enhanced Indexing: Backlinks at various tiers help ensure that your primary backlinks get indexed by search engines, increasing their effectiveness.
  • Risk Mitigation: Spreading links across tiers reduces the risk of penalties since the most aggressive link-building tactics are used on lower-tier links.
  • Scalability: It allows for scalable link-building campaigns, where additional tiers can be added to amplify the impact.

What are First-tier links?

In a tiered link-building strategy, first-tier links are the base backlinks.

These links are the direct routes connecting external websites to the website you want to improve in search engine rankings and authority.

First-tier links play a crucial role in establishing a website’s credibility and trustworthiness in search engines’ eyes.

They signal to search algorithms that the target site is associated with reputable sources and deserves higher visibility in search results.

First-tier links are considered the backbone of tiered link-building strategies and are essential for achieving meaningful improvements in search engine rankings and online visibility.

What are Second-tier links?

Second-tier links are the intermediary backlinks in a tiered link-building strategy.

These links are not directly connected to the target website but instead point to the first-tier links, thereby providing additional authority and relevance to them.

Tier-2 links acquisition from a diverse range of sources, including web 2.0 platforms, social bookmarking sites, profile creation sites, article directories, and niche-specific forums or communities.

The primary purpose of second-tier links is to create a cascade effect, amplifying the impact of the first-tier links on the target website’s search engine rankings.

In essence, second-tier links serve as a critical component of tiered link-building strategies, working in accordance with first-tier links to strengthen the authority and visibility of the target website in Google or other search engines. 

What are the Third-tier Links?

Third-tier links, typically refer to the third level of links in a hierarchical structure of backlinks on the internet.

The quality and quantity of backlinks to a website are important factors in determining its performance in search results.

Third-tier links, therefore, are links from other websites to the websites that have second-tier links to the target website.

While third-tier links can contribute to a website’s overall backlink profile, they are typically not as impactful on search engine rankings as first-tier and second-tier links.

Tactics to Avoid When Building Tiered Links

  1. Avoid Automation: Steer clear of using automated tools excessively; they can lead to penalties.
  2. Say No to Link Farms: Stay away from link farms or networks; they violate search engine guidelines.
  3. Quality Over Quantity: Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity; focus on valuable content and links
  4. .No Paid Link Schemes: Refrain from paying for links or participating in link schemes.
  5. Watch Anchor Text: Avoid keyword stuffing in the anchor text; it looks unnatural and can trigger penalties.
  6. Diversify Anchor Text: Don’t repeat the same anchor text; strive for diversity to appear natural to search engines.

 What are the White Hat SEO Techniques?

Creating high-quality content is one of the most effective ways to attract first-tier backlinks to your website.

  1. White hat methods: Prioritize this method when creating tiers of links to sustain long-term success and a positive reputation.
  2. High-quality content: When you create insightful & useful content, you can easily draw backlinks from reliable sources. 
  3. Build Links Naturally: Rather than purchasing or trading links, concentrate on building links through sincere collaborations, partnerships, and outreach initiatives.
  4. Usage of Natural Anchor Text: Don’t stuff your anchor text with keywords; instead, use meaningful content that enhances the user experience.
  5. Ethical Outreach: Develop relationships with webmasters and influencers in your niche through ethical outreach techniques to obtain reputable backlinks.
  6. Follow Search Engine Guidelines: Adhere to search engine guidelines. Respect search engine policies and guidelines to stay away from trouble.
  7. Monitor and Adjust: Maintain a healthy and natural backlink profile by periodically assessing your link profile and making necessary adjustments to your strategies.

What is an Authoritative Website?

A reliable, reputable source that is acknowledged for its proficiency, accuracy, and dependability in disseminating information on a particular subject or area is an authoritative website. 

These websites follow strict editorial guidelines and are frequently supported by respectable institutions, experts, or organizations. 

Websites that are considered authoritative are valued for their capacity to offer precise, current information that users can depend on for research, education, or making decisions.

Websites run by the government, universities, well-known journals, and reputable businesses in their fields are a few examples.

Target Sites with Good Authority

Here are some websites with good authority:

  • Wikipedia: Everyone knows about Wikipedia. It is renowned for its wide range of subjects and user-generated content.
  • PubMed: One of the best databases for biomedical literature, it provides access to a huge collection of studies and research articles related to the biological sciences and medicine.
  • The New York Times: A reliable source of news and analysis on a variety of subjects, such as business, politics, and culture.
  • BBC News: Reputable for its comprehensive reporting and worldwide coverage, BBC News offers trustworthy information on a plethora of topics, including science, technology, and international affairs.

Why Partner with a Professional Agency for link building?

  • Professional agencies have their team of experts who know what works for you and what does not.
  • They save you time because they have enough sources.
  • They provide exceptional tiered link-building service, therefore, you get quality as well as quantity.
  • Agencies have access to advanced tools and resources where they can generate links in less time.

How to Choose the Right Agency?

  • Review the agency’s portfolio and their past work & results.
  • Understand how they carry out link-building and their strategies.
  • A reputed and successful agency always believes in clear communication and a timely report system.
  • Always check their client’s references and review their work before taking the final call. 

Benefits of a Successful Partnership

  • High-quality backlinks always help to increase your ranking on search engines.
  • When your site starts witnessing an upward curve, it will bring more traffic to your website.
  • When you are linked to authoritative sites it will increase your brand’s reputation and credibility.
  • Effective link building helps you to enhance ROI.

Partnering with a professional link-building agency can significantly enhance your SEO efforts and drive meaningful results

What are High-Quality Links? 

  • Those targeting pages with content closely related to your site.
  • Originates from popular and trustworthy websites, which have high traffic. 
  • The website doesn’t have low-quality links.
  • A healthy and reliable backlink profile with a fair distribution of follow and no-follow links.

What are follow Links & No-follow Links?

Do Follow Links and No Follow Links are terms used in the context of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

1. Do Follow Links 

  • When one website links to another via a do-follow link, search engines such as Google interpret this as an endorsement.
  • The HTML is usually a regular link with no special attributes.
  • Do follow Links are used for linking to trusted, high-quality content.

2. No Follow Links 

  • It instructs search engines not to follow the link or pass on any link juice or SEO value to the linked site.
  • The HTML is a link with a special attribute. (rel=”nofollow”)
  • No Follow Links are used for linking to user-generated content, such as comments, forums, or paid advertisements.

In a Nutshell,

The purpose of tiered link building is to improve a website’s search engine rankings and authority by strategically building backlinks in multiple layers. 

This technique maximizes link equity flow, boosts indexing, and improves rankings by utilizing first-tier links from reputable sources, and then strengthening and diversifying those links with second-tier links.

It’s essential to focus on quality over quantity, adhere to search engine guidelines, and consider alternative strategies for improving search engine rankings.

We hope this write-up will help you make informed decisions about creating top-notch Tiered backlinks.

Written By

Mayur Bhatasana
Mayur Bhatasana
Co.Founder & CEO @Jeenam infotech LLP || I help B2B & SaaS startups to achieve insane ranking through link building 🚀

Ready to Skyrocket Your Link-Building Game?

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Why should I hire a Best SaaS Link Building Agency?

The best way to build links is by setting up a saas link building agency.

A saas link building agency is a specialized team of professionals who do nothing but build links for you. They'll find high-quality links for you, then work to get them indexed on the major search engines so that you can easily track them down and use them for SEO purposes.

When you hire a saas link building agency, you're working with an experienced team of experts who know exactly what they're doing and how to get it done.

This means that you'll have more time to focus on other areas of your business—and more importantly, they'll be able to deliver results quickly without wasting too much time or money on setup.

White hat link building companies like Jeenam have a massive network of relationships with publishers, bloggers, and website owners, so we can get your business the links it needs to rank higher in search results.

Advantages Of SaaS link Building Services

The link building skills at Jeenam InfoTech are unparalleled. The number of visitors to our SaaS company's website increased by 300%, which ultimately led to a rise in both new customers and income. They are the best choice for quick expansion. Our website's exposure and online reputation went up a lot. When it comes to link building, no one does it better than this company. We highly recommend their services.

We were totally blown away. The link development tactics implemented by Jeenam InfoTech increased domain authority by 50%. Our SaaS product gained immense credibility, attracting top-tier clients.

Jeenam InfoTech's the link building team-building efforts brought a 4x increase in leads with fantastic work and unparalleled efficiency. It's because of their incredible efforts that the organic growth of our SaaS platform is multiplying.

Jeenam InfoTech completely changed our business. Their skill at creating valuable backlinks has led our SaaS company to the top search results. We've built a strong client base and are now unrivaled in the marketplace.

Niche Edits SaaS Links

Discover the potential of Niche Edits SaaS Links to completely transform your business and take control of the digital environment.

Gain a competitive edge with our niche edits SaaS links service. Niche edits, also known as curated links, are a powerful way to obtain contextual backlinks from established articles within your industry.

Our link building process identifies relevant and authoritative articles and skillfully inserts your website's link into the existing content. This method ensures that your backlinks blend seamlessly with the context, enhancing their value and authority.

With niche edits SaaS links, your website gains a significant boost in rankings, visibility, and credibility, putting you ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Blogger Outreach

Do you want to boost your visibility on the internet? Learn more about the effectiveness of our Blogger Outreach. Our blogger outreach service seamlessly integrates influencer marketing with link building to elevate your brand's visibility and authority.

By connecting with influential bloggers in your niche, we build meaningful relationships that result in high-quality backlinks.

Your brand will be featured on relevant blogs, enabling you to tap into new audiences and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Whether it's through engaging product reviews, sponsored posts, or collaborative content, our blogger outreach strategy amplifies your reach and secures valuable links that boost your website's search engine rankings and industry credibility.

Content Marketing 

Leverage the power of content marketing to give your link-building efforts and your online success a boost with content marketing. Our content marketing solution takes a data-driven approach to the creation of material that is not only appealing but also instructive and easy to share.

We create content that connects with your readers by first gaining a grasp of your target demographic and the trends that are occurring within the industry. This helps to keep your readers interested and brings them back for more.

This content not only brings in organic backlinks but also solidifies your company's position as an industry thought leader, which in turn drives both brand recognition and brand loyalty.

Allow our team of experienced writers and marketers to develop a content marketing plan for you that differentiates you from the other businesses in your industry and increases the visibility of your website.

Guest Post Link building

Boost your internet visibility with the help of our guest post link building service. We work together with websites that are considered to be authorities in the field you work in to create well designed and interesting guest posts that highlight your area of expertise.

These postings feature backlinks that have been placed effectively, which will drive visitors to your site and increase its search engine results.

Our outreach team focuses on websites that have a high domain authority, which helps to ensure that your brand is exposed to an audience that is interested in it and receptive to it.

Our strategy for developing links through guest posts is an effective method for establishing your authority in the field since it places extreme value on the delivery of good content.

Broken link Building 

Discover the hidden potential of broken link building! Our link building strategy identifies broken links on reputable websites and capitalizes on this opportunity.

We'll create valuable content that replaces the broken link and then reach out to the webmasters, presenting the solution to improve their site's user experience.

By offering a win-win scenario, we secure relevant high-quality backlinks for your website. This approach not only helps you build a robust backlink profile but also aids webmasters in maintaining the integrity of their content.

It's a highly effective link building process to enhance your website's authority while making the web a better place, one fixed link at a time.

Relationship Base link building 

The development of genuine connections with other sites in your sector is at the heart of our relationship-based approach to link development. The key to gaining high-quality backlinks, in our opinion, is to create good connections.

For mutually beneficial relationships, our employees will reach out to relevant websites, bloggers, and influencers.

Through strategic partnerships, we guarantee that your website will receive high-quality inbound links that will boost its search engine ranks and increase the number of organic visitors.

Our relationship-based strategy is a long-term link building process since it is founded on trust, credibility, and mutual respect.

Why Should I Hire A Best SaaS Link Building Agency?

SaaS link building Agency that drives insane rankings

Increase your brand's profile and drive your company to a new level of online visibility with the help of our professional SaaS link building services.

We are pleased to welcome you to our SaaS Link Building Agency, where we will use our powerful saas link building experts re-building method to take your organization to new peaks.

Our full saas link building strategy is an effective symphony of analysis, marketing, and link development designed to boost your online profile and leave your competitors in the dust.