Supercharge Your SEO with Infographic Link Building

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Supercharge Your SEO with Infographic Link Building

Infographic link building

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Ever thought you could boost your website’s search engine optimization with the help of infographics?

Yes, it’s possible!

Link building through Guest Post is a great idea and it works even now but to build a compelling value proposition for your website, you need Infographic link building.

Infographic engagement matrix

For instance, Buffer’s infographic on social media strategies earned over 1,000 backlinks. It helped them increase authority and improve their brand visibility.

In this blog, we’re going to explore all aspects of infographic link building & also share tools to create infographics and top sites to submit them.

What is Infographic Link Building?

Infographic tips


Blogs and websites love to share infographics as they grab attention.
Therefore, if you create an excellent infographic on a topic that appeals to your target audience.

These websites link back to the original source – you are considered to be an authority in Google’s eye.

You can get backlinks from other websites by producing aesthetically pleasing and educational graphics.

In an easy-to-read format, these infographics may contain facts, figures, or practical advice for your visitors.

Why to do infographic link-building?

Humans are visual learners! The ease at which infographics simplify complex information makes it more likely to be shared on social media and other platforms.

What are the Benefits of Infographic link-building?

Link-building for infographics is similar to building highways for your website, which facilitates user navigation and search engine visibility.

  • Pop Culture: Your readers will find infographics to be visually appealing. It will probably attract more attention and spread like wildfire.
  • Backlink Magnet: In the world of SEO, backlinks are like golden tickets. For websites, infographics are like honey: they naturally draw backlinks that raise the authority and ranking of your website.
  • Info Digestion: Infographics facilitate easy comprehension of complex concepts without overwhelming readers with their bite-sized information.
  • Think of this as social buzz: Social media users are more likely to share infographics on their accounts compared to other media.

Remember that the key is to create content that is valuable, shareable, and actually beneficial to your audience.

What are the Different Types of Infographics?

Without a doubt! Infographics are a great tool for providing complicated information in a clear and simple visual format. A variety of infographic types can be used to create effective strategies for building links and engaging with your audience.

  • Statistical Infographics: Infographics with statistical data are displayed using graphs, charts, and diagrams. Trends, comparisons, and statistical insights look great with them.

Statistics data infographic


  • Educational Infographics: An explanation of an idea or procedure step-by-step is the main goal of these infographics. They frequently simplify difficult concepts with icons and illustrations.
  • Timeline Infographics: Infographics that arrange data chronologically are called timeline infographics. They work really well to display historical events, project timelines, or the development of a subject.
  • Hierarchical Infographics: These infographics showcase organizational charts, family trees, and classification systems.
  • Process Infographics: Infographics that break down a process into smaller, easier-to-manage steps are referred to as process infographics. They are useful for explanations of workflow, recipes, and tutorials.
  • Geography infographics: Data is visualized on maps. These provide for an efficient depiction of the demographics, distribution patterns, and geographical trends.
  • Comparison Infographics: It is used when you want to compare two or more subjects. Before-and-after layouts or side-by-side images can be used.

Each infographic type has a distinct function, so pick the one that best suits your audience and content.

Is Infographic Link Building Difficult?

Building infographic links can be intimidating at first, but it can be done by producing visually appealing content.

Even though it takes work, the procedure isn’t very complicated, and success is attainable with good outreach and an outstanding infographic. Therefore, anyone looking to establish meaningful connections is encouraged to adopt this strategy.

Now, let us discuss the procedure.

In order to promote your infographic, you should get in touch with relevant blogs or websites in your niche. Emphasize the value of sharing it and how it can benefit their audience.

Ensure it is high-quality and provides real value to your audience.

The Basics of an Effective Infographic

Are you ready to enrich your site with some enticing content about creating stunning infographics? Let’s go now:

Keep It Simple: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information. Limit your content to what’s necessary and edit it thoroughly.

Tell a Tale: Infographics are about telling stories, not just numbers. Put some context around your data, and watch it come to life!

Your best friend is color: Make your infographic stand out by using color strategically. Don’t go crazy, though, as using too many colors can ruin your masterpiece.

Make it Shareable: Surely the idea behind an infographic is to spread like wildfire? Make it simple to share on social media, then. Include those clever share buttons!

Clutter-free format: Check the format of your infographic. Instead of appearing like a large spreadsheet, you want it to look chic, modern & readable..

Being Mobile-Friendly is Essential: Make sure your infographic looks great on small screens as well, as most people browse on their phones.

Ensure Data Accuracy: Check your numbers and facts three times. With your readers, accuracy fosters trust.

Call to Action: Don’t overlook incorporating a request for action. Encourage people to download a freebie or sign up for your newsletter to take your audience to the next level.

Keep Practicing: Practice leads to incredible infographics. If your initial attempts don’t seem worthy of Pinterest, don’t give up. Keep trying, and you’ll become an expert soon!

You now have the fundamentals of creating an eye-catching infographic that will make your readers want to see more.

A Step-By-Step Guide for Building Links with Infographics

Step-1:  Pick a Killer Topic:

The most important thing is to choose a topic that fits your niche and has the potential to go viral. Think about the annoying problems or commonly asked questions that your infographic might address in your field.

Step-2: Do Your Research:

It’s time to conduct some research by looking through books and the internet once you’ve chosen a topic. Seek for information about trends, figures, or survey outcomes that you can utilize to produce infographics with a strong visual component.

Step-3: Design Accuracy

Now is the exciting part about creating an infographic! Creating visually appealing content doesn’t require graphic design expertise. The wealth of templates and online resources makes the process simple.

Step-4: Craft Compelling Content:

Remember that the pictures are just as significant as the words that go with them. The narrative in your infographic should be interesting and useful to the viewers. Create enticing headlines and descriptions that complement your images.

Step-5: Promote, Promote, Promote:

The moment has come to post your infographic online. To make the most of its visibility, share it on your social media accounts, get in touch with influential people in your field, and submit it to infographic directories.

Step-6: Reach Out for Backlinks:

This is where the magic happens: get in touch with other websites and request that they feature your infographic. Send a polite email introducing yourself and your work to blogs or websites that cover subjects related to your infographic.

Step-7: Follow Up:

Keep trying if you don’t get a response right away. Be persistent in responding to your outreach emails. Sometimes, getting the right people to view your infographic only requires a gentle approach.

Step-8: Track Your Results:

The most crucial thing to do is to monitor the effectiveness of your infographic campaign. Track website traffic with tools like Google Analytics, and identify backlink sources to your infographic by keeping an eye on your backlink profile.

Essential Tips for Crafting an Effective Outreach Template

Now that you’ve created an infographic, it’s time to prepare a pitch to convenience website owners to link to your infographic.

Are you sick and weary of putting out outreach emails that just seem to disappear into thin air, leaving no trace? Creating a strong outreach template is essential if you want to interact with influencers, partners, or prospective customers.

The following straightforward yet effective advice will assist you in developing an outreach template that produce results:

Personalization is Key:

Start by calling the recipient by name. It shows that you have taken the time to read up on the subject and compose an original email.

Bring up a particular subject or facet of the recipient’s job to get their attention. It could be a recent essay or project that they worked on. A lot of personalization is needed to make your email stand out from the rest.

Keep it brief and sweet:

An email that is too long is too much for anyone to read. Your outreach template should remain concise and targeted.

Pay attention to the crucial details, like your identity, the reason behind your outreach, and the benefits you can provide. To keep the reader interested, make an effort to be brief and understandable.

Offer Value upfront:

Before you start talking about what you expect from the recipient, think about what you can offer.

Highlight the benefits of interacting with you, like insider information, the opportunity to work together, or having access to a priceless resource.

Clear Call to Action (CTA):

Give the recipient clear instructions so they know what to do next. Express your desired action to them in clear terms.

Make it simple for them to follow up, whether it’s making an appointment to speak, answering an email, or visiting your website.

Follow Up Strategically:

Sometimes, it’s the follow-up that works its magic. Kindly follow up with a polite email if several days have passed and you have not heard back.

To get their attention again, be sure to follow up politely and succinctly, but also offer something of value.

You can make an outreach template that receives positive feedback in addition to being noticed by using these tips. The most important things to keep in mind are to be genuinely considerate, sincere, and intent on helping the other person.

Find Relevant Websites to Share Your Infographic

Think about using social media and content-sharing services to distribute your infographic. Important URLs consist of:

  • Pinterest: For infographics and other visually appealing stuff you can use this.
  • Infographics and data visualizations have their own community.
  • Infographic Journal: A site dedicated to showcasing infographics.
  • SlideShare: An effective way to distribute visual content and connect with business-oriented audiences.
  • LinkedIn: Share in relevant groups or as part of your professional profile.
  • Daily Infographic: It showcases new high-quality infographics daily and allows for submissions​.

These platforms can maximize visibility and engagement for your infographic.

Tools Used to Create Infographics

Here are some great tools to create stunning infographics:

  • Canva: A ton of templates are available and it is incredibly user-friendly.
  • Piktochart: Excellent for quickly producing infographics with a polished appearance.
  • Venngage: Provides several design options and simple customization.
  • Excellent for novices, featuring basic drag-and-drop functionalities.
  • Visme: Adaptable with a plethora of widgets and charts.
    Infogram: Perfect for interactive, data-driven infographics.

These tools can help you create top-notch infographics. Try them all and decide which one best suits your way of working.

Written By

Mayur Bhatasana
Mayur Bhatasana
Co.Founder & CEO @Jeenam infotech LLP || I help B2B & SaaS startups to achieve insane ranking through link building 🚀

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Why should I hire a Best SaaS Link Building Agency?

The best way to build links is by setting up a saas link building agency.

A saas link building agency is a specialized team of professionals who do nothing but build links for you. They'll find high-quality links for you, then work to get them indexed on the major search engines so that you can easily track them down and use them for SEO purposes.

When you hire a saas link building agency, you're working with an experienced team of experts who know exactly what they're doing and how to get it done.

This means that you'll have more time to focus on other areas of your business—and more importantly, they'll be able to deliver results quickly without wasting too much time or money on setup.

White hat link building companies like Jeenam have a massive network of relationships with publishers, bloggers, and website owners, so we can get your business the links it needs to rank higher in search results.

Advantages Of SaaS link Building Services

The link building skills at Jeenam InfoTech are unparalleled. The number of visitors to our SaaS company's website increased by 300%, which ultimately led to a rise in both new customers and income. They are the best choice for quick expansion. Our website's exposure and online reputation went up a lot. When it comes to link building, no one does it better than this company. We highly recommend their services.

We were totally blown away. The link development tactics implemented by Jeenam InfoTech increased domain authority by 50%. Our SaaS product gained immense credibility, attracting top-tier clients.

Jeenam InfoTech's the link building team-building efforts brought a 4x increase in leads with fantastic work and unparalleled efficiency. It's because of their incredible efforts that the organic growth of our SaaS platform is multiplying.

Jeenam InfoTech completely changed our business. Their skill at creating valuable backlinks has led our SaaS company to the top search results. We've built a strong client base and are now unrivaled in the marketplace.

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Discover the potential of Niche Edits SaaS Links to completely transform your business and take control of the digital environment.

Gain a competitive edge with our niche edits SaaS links service. Niche edits, also known as curated links, are a powerful way to obtain contextual backlinks from established articles within your industry.

Our link building process identifies relevant and authoritative articles and skillfully inserts your website's link into the existing content. This method ensures that your backlinks blend seamlessly with the context, enhancing their value and authority.

With niche edits SaaS links, your website gains a significant boost in rankings, visibility, and credibility, putting you ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Blogger Outreach

Do you want to boost your visibility on the internet? Learn more about the effectiveness of our Blogger Outreach. Our blogger outreach service seamlessly integrates influencer marketing with link building to elevate your brand's visibility and authority.

By connecting with influential bloggers in your niche, we build meaningful relationships that result in high-quality backlinks.

Your brand will be featured on relevant blogs, enabling you to tap into new audiences and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Whether it's through engaging product reviews, sponsored posts, or collaborative content, our blogger outreach strategy amplifies your reach and secures valuable links that boost your website's search engine rankings and industry credibility.

Content Marketing 

Leverage the power of content marketing to give your link-building efforts and your online success a boost with content marketing. Our content marketing solution takes a data-driven approach to the creation of material that is not only appealing but also instructive and easy to share.

We create content that connects with your readers by first gaining a grasp of your target demographic and the trends that are occurring within the industry. This helps to keep your readers interested and brings them back for more.

This content not only brings in organic backlinks but also solidifies your company's position as an industry thought leader, which in turn drives both brand recognition and brand loyalty.

Allow our team of experienced writers and marketers to develop a content marketing plan for you that differentiates you from the other businesses in your industry and increases the visibility of your website.

Guest Post Link building

Boost your internet visibility with the help of our guest post link building service. We work together with websites that are considered to be authorities in the field you work in to create well designed and interesting guest posts that highlight your area of expertise.

These postings feature backlinks that have been placed effectively, which will drive visitors to your site and increase its search engine results.

Our outreach team focuses on websites that have a high domain authority, which helps to ensure that your brand is exposed to an audience that is interested in it and receptive to it.

Our strategy for developing links through guest posts is an effective method for establishing your authority in the field since it places extreme value on the delivery of good content.

Broken link Building 

Discover the hidden potential of broken link building! Our link building strategy identifies broken links on reputable websites and capitalizes on this opportunity.

We'll create valuable content that replaces the broken link and then reach out to the webmasters, presenting the solution to improve their site's user experience.

By offering a win-win scenario, we secure relevant high-quality backlinks for your website. This approach not only helps you build a robust backlink profile but also aids webmasters in maintaining the integrity of their content.

It's a highly effective link building process to enhance your website's authority while making the web a better place, one fixed link at a time.

Relationship Base link building 

The development of genuine connections with other sites in your sector is at the heart of our relationship-based approach to link development. The key to gaining high-quality backlinks, in our opinion, is to create good connections.

For mutually beneficial relationships, our employees will reach out to relevant websites, bloggers, and influencers.

Through strategic partnerships, we guarantee that your website will receive high-quality inbound links that will boost its search engine ranks and increase the number of organic visitors.

Our relationship-based strategy is a long-term link building process since it is founded on trust, credibility, and mutual respect.

Why Should I Hire A Best SaaS Link Building Agency?

SaaS link building Agency that drives insane rankings

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We are pleased to welcome you to our SaaS Link Building Agency, where we will use our powerful saas link building experts re-building method to take your organization to new peaks.

Our full saas link building strategy is an effective symphony of analysis, marketing, and link development designed to boost your online profile and leave your competitors in the dust.